Ive used the original Cycle Beads for almost five years now, mostly as a method to track my moods: "Oh, thats why Im feeling that way..." I was thinking of replacing them (having never removed them, they are getting quite beat up looking!) I noticed the app advertised on their website, and thought it would be a better back up (even though its become a daily habit, I dont always remember if I already moved the rubber ring to the next day?) Its only been a week, but I love it! I added previous cycles, so its great to get the bigger picture of how my cycles flow (no pun intended). I think it will be especially helpful as I approach the menopause years...tracking for when I start to become irregular (43 years old now). Today is day 27, and I got a notification that my period might be coming in the next few days...not that I didnt already know it from the way I felt!! But really, this is a very elegant looking app, and the beads have worked for tracking my moods and preventing pregnancy for me for years. I wish it had been around 20 plus years ago; it would have saved me a lot of math headaches. ;)
D L McIntosh about iCycleBeads Period & Ovulation